Friday, June 29, 2012

Liam's BIG Day!

All Ready to Go Home!!!
I have been waiting so long to write this entry....84 days to be exact!  Today Liam (baby "C") was the first to come home!

Tuesday we met with the neonatologist to discuss the boys' discharge and we settled on today as Liam's discharge date, with or without a feeding tube in place.  We were nervous to tell too many people he might be coming home, as it's common for discharge dates to be moving targets.  But we were lucky and there were no issues to prevent him from leaving. 

The doc decided to let Liam and Graham try "In Demand" feedings instead of every 3 hours, and low and behold, Liam took off like a champ with his bottles and got his feeding tube out the next day!  So he was able to come home without any "accessories"! I'm not sure what the in demand feedings will mean for our schedule; probably one little guy will run the show and the rest will follow!

The doctor in charge of discharge went over Liam's whole history with us before we left, and I have to admit, it was very emotional to rehash all that he had been through. He was intubated for a few days, had a collapsed lung, and a hole in his heart.  Now he is a healthy little "newborn" weighing in at 7lbs. 12oz.

Happy Mom and Dad!
It was also tough to leave Brennen and Graham behind, but as the nurse said, Liam is the Scout, going to check things out and report back to the other guys that things at home are pretty nice! Graham will probably be home this time next week, and we'll have to wait and see about Brennen, he might have a few more weeks.  It's hard to know how the next few weeks will go until they are all home...I imagine it will be even tougher than having them all in the hospital.  We'll probably be very busy!

Don't Forget About Me!

And Me Too!

Snuggle Time at Home with Dad
Crazy Big Si
Liam has gone pretty easy on us today and Addie is doing okay with the change (so far). Our biggest problem is deciding who gets to hold him! Now I am enjoying some quiet time while him and Addie sleep and Brandon is at the hospital.  I'll enjoy it while it lasts!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This is How We Roll

More big changes happening in the Reddick household!  We are getting closer and closer to the boys coming home and everything seems to be falling into place.

The boys due date, June 21st is tomorrow! Believe me, I was really disheartened when I realized we would not have any boys home a few weeks ahead of their due date, as the doctor initially anticipated.  So here we are, on day 72 and I REALLY think we're almost there!  The cribs are all put together, the mini van has been purchased, now all we need are babies!

Brennen at 2 months
Brennen was taken off all oxygen support today, and at the time of this posting, still doing really well!  He weighs in at 6lbs. 2oz!  He is still breathing pretty fast, so we have not been able to try him with a bottle consistently, but if the way he goes to town on his pacifier is any indication, I think he'll be a champ!  He really is the sweetest lil' guy who loves to be cuddled, especially while he's being fed.  He has some pretty bad reflux and it helps him to get through without alarms if someone is holding him.  Personally I  think he's figured out that Graham and Liam both get held when they get their bottles, so he thinks it's only fair that he's held too! I am trying not to get my hopes up, as I had always thought in my mind that we would be staying a few weeks longer than his brothers, and likely come home with oxygen support, but that might not be the case now.  Who knows, he could just get it all figured out and fly on out the door!
Graham at 2 months

Graham is the epitome of the phrase slow and steady....and BIG!  He weighs in at a whopping 8lbs. 15oz!  He's definitely sporting the double chins, but he pulls it off so well!  Unfortunately he has not made any great strides at taking the bottle, even though we have been working with him for over a month now.  He will more than likely come home with a feeding tube in place.  If this happens, they will teach us how to change his tube and give him his feeds, while still working with him on taking the bottle.  For some reason it feels like an especially long road we have traveled with this guy...maybe it's because he's been stuck in the same place for so long without much progress.  At this point, I just want him home and am willing to do what it takes for him to be here.  He definitely likes his snuggle time too, especially when it's with one of his brothers!
Liam at 2 Months
Liam has made some big strides over the past few weeks.  He went from barely taking a quarter of his feeds and breathing fast, to taking almost all his feeds with relative ease.  I don't know if I've explained it before, but in order to come home they have to take all of their feeds over the course of 48 hours and not lose any weight.  One of our primary nurses, Miranda, who knows they boys very well, thinks he will get to come home very soon...maybe even this weekend or the first of next week! He weighs in at 7lbs. 3oz.  He is very alert and just loves looking around and taking everything in.  I can't wait for him to experience more than the boring old NICU unit!

Besides what has been happening with the boys, we've also had a lot of other events going on at our house!  Addie turned 4 on June 11th and we went to Indiana to celebrate with our families.  I think she was especially spoiled this year, and received an abundance of my little pony and princess items!  She too is anxious for the boys to be home, mainly so we don't have to drive to the hospital anymore.  I couldn't agree more.

Brothers - Brennen, Graham and Liam at 2 Months
We also sold our SUV and have officially become mini-van drivers.  Kind of a hard pill to swallow, but in all honesty, I kind of like it!  Although I did have a moment of self pity yesterday when I was heading to the hospital, rocking out to Florence and the Machine.  I've definitely lost the cool factor! 

Lastly, we found out at the beginning of the week that Brandon has been transferred to work at Haworth's headquarters in Holland, MI. This is definitely an answer to one of our prayers, as we have been hanging out here in Rockford, about 50 minutes south of where he was working in Big Rapids, with the hopes that some day we would be able to move to Holland and settle down.  So that means there will be a move sometime in our future...We'll start taking volunteers now because I imagine with three newborns we'll need the help!

Birthday Girl Ariel
Addie turns 4!
I am ending this blog optimistic that the next time I write it will be to let all of you know that Liam has been discharged from the hospital! 

Check out this Bad Boy - This is How we Roll!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Looking Toward the Future

I feel a need to blog right now...does that make me an official blogger or something?!? I originally intended this blog to be an update about my pregnancy and the boys, and while it will still serve that function, I'll admit, it's become a bit like therapy for me, especially after rough days at the hospital.  So as the boys continue to improve and eventually come home (we WILL be partying when that happens), I figure this will transition into something more of a glimpse into what is sure to be come a crazy life! 

It's been a bit since I last posted and it seems a lot has happened.  It's been a very emotional day for me, as I officially resigned my position at Haworth to become a full time mom to 4 beautiful children.  I consider myself so blessed to be given my kids, especially 3 at once, and feel this is what I am supposed to do at this point in my life.  If you had asked me when I was graduating college where I would be in 10 years, I would not have said a mother of four.  But, I guess someone way more powerful than me had different plans, and who I am to try to fight it?  Now I am sure there will be moments of regret about giving up a job I truly enjoyed doing with people I enjoyed working with (just a minor freak out in the car on my way home).  I am also 100% sure there will be moments when I am going out of my mind with three little boys running around and crave adult interaction. I am also terrified about running a household with four kids and one income, but as my mom says, I just have to embrace the challenge and make a game out of seeing how much we can do with less.  The important thing is everyone is happy and healthy, the rest will come.

I haven't been to the hospital yet today, probably make that trip soon, but I can report the boys are doing so well and improving every day!  Brennen has surpassed the 5lb. mark and is 5lbs. 4oz., Graham is a monster 7lbs. 8 oz., and Liam is 5lbs. 14oz.  It is so fun to see their little personalities develop.  Of course they will probably laugh when reading this in the future at what I THINK they will be like!

Brennen, off CPAP!
Brennen is now off his awful CPAP and on nasal cannula.  He is doing so well and makes me happy that I stepped up and fought for his right to move forward when the docs wanted to keep him on CPAP.  I am just overcome with emotion when I look at him and think back to just a month ago when he was fighting so hard against the staph infection.  I must say he has a lot of spunk and lets you know immediately when he needs changed.  He has to have all that spirit to overcome what he has gone through.

Graham is continuing to learn how to nipple and slowly improving.  His laid back 'tude just makes me smile, but I also hope it doesn't get in the way of him coming home, because I know he can do it if he would just wake up for feedings!

Liam is now off oxygen and breathing all on his own.  I was able to nurse him last night for the first time ever and it was a wonderful to be able to relax with him.
Graham, in a milk coma

Last week we had the best night at the hospital with Addie.  She held Liam for over an hour and it was like the mutual admiration society.  Liam just stared and Addie and she right back.  She held him during one of his feedings, which normally cause him a lot of distress, but with her, he sailed through and did not have one alarm.  While she was holding Liam, I held Graham and Brandon held Brennen.  I pictured that it could be like that a lot at home! Addie went to school the next day and told everyone that she got to hold one of her brothers, but she wasn't sure which one, but he stared at her the whole time! 

Addie is a lucky girl and gets to spend the week in Indiana with her grandparents.  She'll be 4 years old on Monday and wants to have a My Little Pony party.  I am so proud of her and how she is adapting to becoming a big sister.

Addie and Liam
Just to solidify my new position as domestic engineer (or whatever they call stay-at-home mom's these days) I  just tackled the monumental task of doing dishes and cleaning out the refrigerator.  Sadly enough, cleaning can also be very therapeutic!

Okay, I am finished gushing about my kiddos.  This day seems impossibly long, although it's only 7:15, but writing it all out makes me feel so much better, and secure in my decision.  So thanks for caring!