Friday, June 29, 2012

Liam's BIG Day!

All Ready to Go Home!!!
I have been waiting so long to write this entry....84 days to be exact!  Today Liam (baby "C") was the first to come home!

Tuesday we met with the neonatologist to discuss the boys' discharge and we settled on today as Liam's discharge date, with or without a feeding tube in place.  We were nervous to tell too many people he might be coming home, as it's common for discharge dates to be moving targets.  But we were lucky and there were no issues to prevent him from leaving. 

The doc decided to let Liam and Graham try "In Demand" feedings instead of every 3 hours, and low and behold, Liam took off like a champ with his bottles and got his feeding tube out the next day!  So he was able to come home without any "accessories"! I'm not sure what the in demand feedings will mean for our schedule; probably one little guy will run the show and the rest will follow!

The doctor in charge of discharge went over Liam's whole history with us before we left, and I have to admit, it was very emotional to rehash all that he had been through. He was intubated for a few days, had a collapsed lung, and a hole in his heart.  Now he is a healthy little "newborn" weighing in at 7lbs. 12oz.

Happy Mom and Dad!
It was also tough to leave Brennen and Graham behind, but as the nurse said, Liam is the Scout, going to check things out and report back to the other guys that things at home are pretty nice! Graham will probably be home this time next week, and we'll have to wait and see about Brennen, he might have a few more weeks.  It's hard to know how the next few weeks will go until they are all home...I imagine it will be even tougher than having them all in the hospital.  We'll probably be very busy!

Don't Forget About Me!

And Me Too!

Snuggle Time at Home with Dad
Crazy Big Si
Liam has gone pretty easy on us today and Addie is doing okay with the change (so far). Our biggest problem is deciding who gets to hold him! Now I am enjoying some quiet time while him and Addie sleep and Brandon is at the hospital.  I'll enjoy it while it lasts!

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