Friday, July 6, 2012

Graham's BIG Day!

I've waited 88 days to write this post and tell everyone that Graham is home!  He was discharged on the 4th of July.  We were very excited to bring him home, but it was also very emotional to leave little Brennen behind.  He looked so lonely in his little corner of the unit without his brothers to keep him company, and I cried this time when we drove away.  But I know it's only temporary and he'll be home with us very soon! 

Graham has come home with a feeding tube because he still hasn't figured out the whole bottle thing.  I've never seen a kid so big who doesn't like to eat!  We have learned how to feed him by gavage, after first attempting to bottle feed him, but we're hoping the whole feeding thing will click soon and we'll be able to take it out.  

He is just such a laid back guy...the first night home he just chilled out in Brandon's lap for a few hours, just taking in his new surroundings! Most of the time, however, he sleeps!  I was laughing today because Liam had been up for a few hours and Graham had been asleep for a few hours.  I'll enjoy the moments when they all sleep at the same time!

This is a very short post because it's almost feeding time again!

Family picture...Addie ran away!
The only pic Addie would take
Graham is SO excited to go home

I'll be home soon guys
Waiting on my brother


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you folks! Looking forward to the whole bunch of you being in one, non-institutional setting! God bless :)
