Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The First Month

It's hard to believe it's been a month since the boys were born.  Some days it feels like time is flying by, but others it seems to stand still.  The past few days have been really good for all the boys, as they have all made some big steps. 

Cuddling up with Graham and Brennen
Yesterday was a pretty exciting one month birthday.  I was able to hold Graham and Brennen at the same time!  It was so amazing to hold them both and watch as they settled in next to each other at long last.  I swear they starting doing the same motions with their hands, and even the stats on their monitors were very close...I'm sure they missed each other. 

Today was also a very special day, as we were able to get them all together for their one month pictures!  It brought me to tears to see them all snuggled up next to each other!  Poor Brennen wasn't able to interact much because of his cpap, but Graham and Liam ending up quite close and comfy with each other!  We also brought Addie down to see them and were able to get our first family photo!  

First Family Photo
Addie is still partial to Graham but has decided that it's best if he doesn't sleep in her room with her!  She also says that all the boys are her buddies now and she can't wait to hold them.  Brandon took her to the wishing fountain in the hospital today and she dropped in three pennies.  Brandon asked her why she put in three pennies and she said because she has three brothers.   

Graham has been off cpap for a couple of days and is tolerating it well and is not requiring any extra oxygen.  He hit 5lbs. tonight and the next step is to try bottle feedings with him.

Liam was taken off of cpap today and was given a nasal cannula to give him a little bit of support.  He's only been off since this morning, but seems to be doing well so far.  It's amazing what a difference it makes to their moods to have the cpap out of their noses.  It's like they are different, happy little guys...can't say I blame them!  

After a rough couple of weeks, Brennen appears to be on the upswing.  The infection took quite a toll on his body, and they are still keeping a close eye on him to ensure he is stable and there are no lasting effects.  He is back on cpap now, down from this machine called IPPV that gives him an extra burst of air between his breathes to help keep his lungs inflated.  He is doing well on the cpap, so we're hoping he keeps moving forward from here.

Brennen (with CPAP briefly off)
We had a meeting with the neonatologist Dr. Doctor (yes, that's his real name) today and he was pleased with all of their progress and said that Graham and Liam are exceeding expectations. Brennen has a lot of catching up to do, but he's still doing well considering everything he has been through.  The doctor can never tell us for sure when they will get to come home, but he expects Graham and Liam to be home a few weeks ahead of their original due date of June 21.  He thinks that if Brennen keeps improving at a steady pace, he'll be home before then too.  

Brennen, Graham and Liam
I can't tell you how happy I feel after the past couple of days.  I admit, I was at my breaking point on Monday morning and had a little melt down when I got to the hospital.  I am thankful for the nurses that are following the boys.  Not only are they there taking care of them, but they have also been a great source of support for me.  One nurse, Kathy, said something that is so true, "We ask how people are doing and the standard response is 'fine', but it doesn't have to be fine."  I am happy to report that today I am fine, but I reserve the right to feel less than fine at any point in the future! 

Proud Sister!

1 comment:

  1. The first family picture is so beautiful! Paul and I are so happy for you guys and have been praying for you constantly through the rollercoaster of this past month. I feel like I need to frame this picture and hang it up in my house, I am so excited for you! :)
