Friday, May 18, 2012


Brennen, Graham and Liam have been in the hospital for 48 days.  I met a mother in the elevator lobby this afternoon whose son was just discharged and he had been there for 115 days.  She was absolutely glowing and practically racing out of the hospital!  I cannot wait to have that feeling myself and am hoping the day(s) are quickly approaching.

We are definitely playing the waiting game at this point.  The boys are all stable and making forward progress most days, but there are still days that they take a step or two backwards and those are the hard days.  Things can change in a matter of hours, we can leave in the evening with everyone doing well, and come back the next morning to news that one, two or all of them had a rough night and and a set back.  I just keep telling myself that the end is near and this whole experience will be just a blip on the radar a year or two from now!

Brennen is getting stronger every day.  Although he only weights 4lbs. 3oz. he is a little spit fire and gives the nurses a hard time.  I think the CPAP is making him cranky (can't blame him).  Hoping he can come off of it in the next week or so.  I think he'll be a much more pleasant baby when that happens! 

Graham is breathing fairly well on his own without any support and now we are just waiting for him to breath steady enough to try bottle or breast feeding.  I have found that this is easier said than done, as we have only been able to attempt it once in the past few weeks.  The doctors think the VSD (hole in his heart) could be contributing to this, so the cardiologist is going to take a look and let us know if this is the case and needs to be treated.  In my mind, I had Graham coming home as early as two weeks, but it could be longer (and my heart sinks at the thought).

Liam is on high flow nasal cannula, which is a step down from regular nasal cannula.  We're hoping this is only a temporary change and he'll be able to go back on regular cannula.  We can't attempt to bottle or breast feed him while he is on the high flow.  The good news is his breathing is pretty steady and he seems very interested in breast feeding!

The highlight of the week was holding all three of them at the same time.  It was amazing to see how they settled in so well with each other.  They like to reach around and find each other, grabbing on to arms, legs and faces as they find them.  Graham was not bothered one bit when Liam ended up laying on him.  Payback from when they were in the womb!

We also won the March of Dimes Kangaroo-a-thon and got a snazzy little gift basket!  The contest ran for two weeks and every time we held the boys skin-to-skin, we were entered into a drawing.  We did A LOT of baby holding and it was amazing!  I only feel slightly bad that we had three times the chances as everyone else!

Also looking on the bright side, we are not quite ready for the boys to come home.  The cribs are not set up and we don't have a mini van yet!  Anyone willing to pitch in and help putting together 3 cribs and a dresser is welcome to come over any time!  
Graham and Brennen

Graham, Liam and Brennen- The TRIFECTA!

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